View Source wxCursor (wx v2.4.3)

A cursor is a small bitmap usually used for denoting where the mouse pointer is, with a picture that might indicate the interpretation of a mouse click.

As with icons, cursors in X and MS Windows are created in a different manner. Therefore, separate cursors will be created for the different environments. Platform-specific methods for creating a wxCursor object are catered for, and this is an occasion where conditional compilation will probably be required (see wxIcon for an example).

A single cursor object may be used in many windows (any subwindow type). The wxWidgets convention is to set the cursor for a window, as in X, rather than to set it globally as in MS Windows, although a global wx_misc:setCursor/1 function is also available for MS Windows use.

Creating a Custom Cursor

The following is an example of creating a cursor from 32x32 bitmap data (down_bits) and a mask (down_mask) where 1 is black and 0 is white for the bits, and 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent for the mask. It works on Windows and GTK+.

Predefined objects (include wx.hrl):

  • ?wxNullCursor





This class is derived, and can use functions, from:

wxWidgets docs: wxCursor



Destroys the object

Returns true if cursor data is present.

Default constructor.

Constructs a cursor using a cursor identifier.

Constructs a cursor by passing a string resource name or filename.

Equivalent to: isOk/1


-type wxCursor() :: wx:wx_object().


-spec destroy(This :: wxCursor()) -> ok.

Destroys the object

-spec isOk(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxCursor().

Returns true if cursor data is present.

-spec new() -> wxCursor().

Default constructor.

-spec new(CursorName) -> wxCursor() when CursorName :: unicode:chardata();
         (Image) -> wxCursor() when Image :: wxImage:wxImage() | wxCursor:wxCursor();
         (CursorId) -> wxCursor() when CursorId :: wx:wx_enum().

Constructs a cursor using a cursor identifier.

Link to this function

new(CursorName, Options)

View Source
-spec new(CursorName, [Option]) -> wxCursor()
                 CursorName :: unicode:chardata(),
                 Option :: {type, wx:wx_enum()} | {hotSpotX, integer()} | {hotSpotY, integer()}.

Constructs a cursor by passing a string resource name or filename.

The arguments hotSpotX and hotSpotY are only used when there's no hotspot info in the resource/image-file to load (e.g. when using wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO under wxMSW or wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM under wxGTK).

-spec ok(This) -> boolean() when This :: wxCursor().

Equivalent to: isOk/1