tprof (tools v4.1.1)
View SourceProcess Tracing Profiling Tool
provides convenience helpers for Erlang process profiling using
the trace BIFs.
This module aims to replace eprof
and cprof
into a unified API for
measuring call count, time, and allocation. It is experimental in Erlang/OTP
It is possible to analyze the number of calls, the time spent by function, and
heap allocations by function. Profiling can be done ad-hoc
or run in a server-aided mode for deeper
introspection of the code running in production. The server-aided mode can be
run using the default tprof server or an isolated server/0
started through
start(#{ session => atom() })
There are three kinds of profiling supported by this module:
The default is call_count
, which has the smallest performance impact
and memory footprint, but it does not support per-process
profiling. For this reason, all of the examples below uses
, which measures heap allocation, and provide a more complex
feature set to demonstrate.
Erlang terms that do not fit in a single machine word are allocated on the process heap. For example, a function returning a tuple of two elements needs to allocate the tuple on the process heap. The actual consumption is three words, because the runtime systems also need an extra word to store the tuple size.
Expect a slowdown in the program execution when profiling is enabled.
For profiling convenience, measurements are accumulated for functions that are not enabled in some trace pattern. Consider this call stack example:
Allocations that happened within not_traced_function
will be added to
the allocations for top_traced_function
. However, allocations that occurred
within bottom_traced_function
are not included in the top_traced_function
To only keep track of each function own allocations, it is necessary to
trace all functions.
Avoid hot code reloading for modules participating in the tracing.
Reloading a module disables tracing and discards the accumulated statistics.
The tprof
results will probably be incorrect when the profiled code was
reloading during a profiling session.
Ad-hoc profiling
Ad-hoc profiling is convenient for profiling a single function call.
For example:
1> tprof:profile(lists, seq, [1, 16], #{type => call_memory}).
****** Process <0.92.0> -- 100.00% of total ***
lists:seq_loop/3 5 32 6.40 [100.00]
32 [ 100.0]
By default tracing is enabled for all functions in all modules. When funs are created in the interactive shell, parts of shell code are also traced:
1> tprof:profile(fun() -> lists:seq(1, 16) end, #{type => call_memory}).
****** Process <0.95.0> -- 100.00% of total ***
erl_eval:do_apply/7 1 3 3.00 [ 3.61]
erl_eval:match_list/6 1 3 3.00 [ 3.61]
lists:reverse/1 1 4 4.00 [ 4.82]
erl_eval:expr_list/7 3 7 2.33 [ 8.43]
erl_eval:ret_expr/3 4 16 4.00 [19.28]
erl_eval:merge_bindings/4 3 18 6.00 [21.69]
lists:seq_loop/3 5 32 6.40 [38.55]
83 [100.0]
However, it is possible to limit the trace to specific functions or modules:
2> tprof:profile(fun() -> lists:seq(1, 16) end,
#{type => call_memory, pattern => [{lists, seq_loop, '_'}]}).
****** Process <0.98.0> -- 100.00% of total ***
lists:seq_loop/3 5 32 6.40 [100.00]
32 [ 100.0]
Ad-hoc profiling results can be printed in a few different ways. The following
examples use the test
module defined like this:
test_spawn() ->
{Pid, MRef} = spawn_monitor(fun () -> lists:seq(1, 32) end),
{'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, normal} ->
By default per-process statistics is shown:
1> tprof:profile(test, test_spawn, [], #{type => call_memory}).
****** Process <0.176.0> -- 23.66 % of total allocations ***
erlang:spawn_monitor/1 1 2 2 [ 9.09]
erlang:spawn_opt/4 1 6 6 [27.27]
test:test_spawn/0 1 14 14 [63.64]
22 [100.0]
****** Process <0.177.0> -- 76.34 % of total allocations ***
erlang:apply/2 1 7 7 [ 9.86]
lists:seq_loop/3 9 64 7 [90.14]
71 [100.0]
The following example prints the combined memory allocation of all processes, sorted by the total number of allocated words in descending order:
2> tprof:profile(test, test_spawn, [],
#{type => call_memory, report => {total, {measurement, descending}}}).
lists:seq_loop/3 9 64 7 [68.82]
test:test_spawn/0 1 14 14 [15.05]
erlang:apply/2 1 7 7 [ 7.53]
erlang:spawn_opt/4 1 6 6 [ 6.45]
erlang:spawn_monitor/1 1 2 2 [ 2.15]
93 [100.0]
The profiling data can also be collected for further inspection:
3> {done, ProfileData} = tprof:profile(fun test:test_spawn/0,
#{type => call_memory, report => return}).
4> tprof:format(tprof:inspect(ProfileData, process, {percent, descending})).
****** Process <0.223.0> -- 23.66 % of total allocations ***
test:test_spawn/0 1 14 14 [63.64]
erlang:spawn_opt/4 1 6 6 [27.27]
erlang:spawn_monitor/1 1 2 2 [ 9.09]
22 [100.0]
****** Process <0.224.0> -- 76.34 % of total allocations ***
lists:seq_loop/3 9 64 7 [90.14]
erlang:apply/2 1 7 7 [ 9.86]
71 [100.0]
Which processes that are profiled depends on the profiling type.
(default) counts calls in all processes.call_time
limits the profiling to the processes spawned from the user-provided function (using theset_on_spawn
option fortrace:process/4
and call_memory
can be restricted to profile a single process:
2> tprof:profile(test, test_spawn, [],
#{type => call_memory, set_on_spawn => false}).
****** Process <0.183.0> -- 100.00 % of total allocations ***
erlang:spawn_monitor/1 1 2 2 [ 9.09]
erlang:spawn_opt/4 1 6 6 [27.27]
test:test_spawn/0 1 14 14 [63.64]
Erlang programs can perform expensive operations in other processes than the original one. You can include multiple, new, or even all processes in the trace when measuring time or memory:
7> pg:start_link().
8> tprof:profile(fun() -> pg:join(group, self()) end,
#{type => call_memory, rootset => [pg]}).
****** Process <0.252.0> -- 52.86 % of total allocations ***
pg:leave_local_update_ets/5 1 2 2 [ 1.80]
gen:reply/2 1 3 3 [ 2.70]
erlang:monitor/2 1 3 3 [ 2.70]
gen_server:try_handle_call/4 1 3 3 [ 2.70]
gen_server:try_dispatch/4 1 3 3 [ 2.70]
maps:iterator/1 2 4 2 [ 3.60]
maps:take/2 1 6 6 [ 5.41]
pg:join_local_update_ets/5 1 8 8 [ 7.21]
pg:handle_info/2 1 8 8 [ 7.21]
pg:handle_call/3 1 9 9 [ 8.11]
gen_server:loop/7 2 9 4 [ 8.11]
ets:lookup/2 2 10 5 [ 9.01]
pg:join_local/3 1 11 11 [ 9.91]
pg:notify_group/5 2 16 8 [14.41]
erlang:setelement/3 2 16 8 [14.41]
111 [100.0]
****** Process <0.255.0> -- 47.14 % of total allocations ***
erl_eval:match_list/6 1 3 3 [ 3.03]
erlang:monitor/2 1 3 3 [ 3.03]
lists:reverse/1 2 4 2 [ 4.04]
pg:join/3 1 4 4 [ 4.04]
erl_eval:add_bindings/2 1 5 5 [ 5.05]
erl_eval:do_apply/7 2 6 3 [ 6.06]
gen:call/4 1 8 8 [ 8.08]
erl_eval:expr_list/7 4 10 2 [10.10]
gen:do_call/4 1 16 16 [16.16]
erl_eval:ret_expr/3 4 16 4 [16.16]
erl_eval:merge_bindings/4 3 24 8 [24.24]
99 [100.0]
By default, there is no limit for the profiling time. For ad-hoc
profiling, it is possible to configure a time limit. If the profiled
function does not return before that time expires, the process is
terminated with reason kill
. Any unlinked children processes started
by the user-supplied function are kept; it is the responsibility of
the developer to take care of such processes.
9> tprof:profile(timer, sleep, [100000], #{timeout => 1000}).
By default, only one ad-hoc or server-aided profiling session is allowed at any point in time. It is possible to force multiple ad-hoc sessions concurrently, but it is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that trace patterns do not overlap:
1> tprof:profile(fun() -> lists:seq(1, 32) end,
#{registered => false, pattern => [{lists, '_', '_'}]}).
Server-aided profiling
Server-aided profiling can be done on a system that is up and
running. To do that, start the tprof
server, and then add trace
patterns and processes to trace while the system handles actual
traffic. Data can extracted, inspected, and printed at any time. The
following example traces activity of all processes supervised by
the Kernel supervisor:
1> tprof:start(#{type => call_memory}).
2> tprof:enable_trace({all_children, kernel_sup}).
3> tprof:set_pattern('_', '_' , '_').
4> Sample = tprof:collect().
5 > tprof:format(tprof:inspect(Sample)).
****** Process <0.154.0> -- 14.21 % of total allocations ***
maps:iterator/1 2 4 2 [15.38]
gen_server:try_dispatch/4 2 6 3 [23.08]
net_kernel:handle_info/2 2 16 8 [61.54]
26 [100.0]
****** Process <0.161.0> -- 85.79 % of total allocations ***
disk_log:handle/2 2 2 1 [ 1.27]
disk_log_1:maybe_start_timer/1 1 3 3 [ 1.91]
disk_log_1:mf_write_cache/1 1 3 3 [ 1.91]
It is possible to profile the entire running system, and then examine individual processes:
1> tprof:start(#{type => call_memory}).
2> tprof:enable_trace(all), tprof:set_pattern('_', '_' , '_').
3> timer:sleep(10000), tprof:disable_trace(all), Sample = tprof:collect().
4> Inspected = tprof:inspect(Sample, process, measurement), Shell = maps:get(self(), Inspected).
{call_memory, 2743,
5> tprof:format(Shell).
erl_lint:start/2 2 300 150 [10.94]
shell:used_records/1 114 342 3 [12.47]
A process identifier (pid) or a registered process name.
Inspected data for a single function of the specified Module
Ad-hoc profiler options; see profile/4
Profile of a single process, or combined profile of multiple processes, sorted by a selected column.
A tprof server.
Raw data extracted from tracing BIFs.
Traced functions (with their arities) grouped by module name,
or all
if all code is traced.
Options for enabling profiling of the selected processes; see enable_trace/2
The type of profiling that the tprof server will do.
Disables tracing functions matching the supplied pattern.
Equivalent to clear_pattern(Mod, Fun, Arity)
but uses the provided Server
Returns statistics for current trace map.
Equivalent to collect/0
but uses the provided Server
Resumes previously paused profiling.
Equivalent to continue/0
but uses the provided Server
Stops accumulating traces for specified processes.
Equivalent to enable_trace(Spec, #{set_on_spawn => true})
Similar to trace:process/4
, but supports a few more options for tracing
Equivalent to enable_trace/2
but uses the provided Server
Formats profile data transformed with inspect/3
, outputting to
the default output device.
Formats profile transformed with inspect/3
outputting to device IoDevice
Returns a map of module names to functions with their arities.
Equivalent to get_trace_map/0
but uses the provided Server
Equivalent to inspect(Profile, process, percent)
Transforms raw data returned by tracing BIFs into a form convenient for subsequent analysis and formatting.
Pauses trace collection for all currently traced functions, retaining existing traces.
Equivalent to pause/0
but uses the provided Server
Equivalent to profile(Fun, #{})
Does ad-hoc profiling of the call Fun()
Does ad-hoc profiling for the call apply(Module, Function, Args)
Clears accumulated profiles and starts profiling if it was paused.
Equivalent to restart/0
but uses the provided Server
Enables tracing for all functions matching the supplied pattern.
Equivalent to set_pattern/3
but uses the provided Server
Equivalent to start(#{})
Starts the server, not supervised.
Equivalent to start_link(#{})
Equivalent to start/1
but also links the profiling server to the caller.
Stops the default tprof
server and disable tracing enabled by the server.
Equivalent to stop/0
but uses the provided Server
-type column() :: module | function | calls | measurement | measurement_per_call | percent.
Column to sort by inspect/3
or profile/4
- Module name.function
- Function name.calls
- Number of calls to the function.measurement
- Total measurement (call count, time, or heap allocation) throughout all calls to the function.measurement_per_call
- Measurement (call count, time, or heap allocation) on average per function call.percent
- Percentage of measurement to total amount during the entire profile collection.
A process identifier (pid) or a registered process name.
-type profile_line() :: {module(), Function :: {atom(), arity()}, Count :: pos_integer(), Measurement :: pos_integer(), MeasurementPerCall :: non_neg_integer(), Percent :: float()}.
Inspected data for a single function of the specified Module
-type profile_options() :: #{type => trace_type(), timeout => timeout(), pattern => trace_pattern() | [trace_pattern()], set_on_spawn => boolean(), rootset => rootset(), report => return | process | total | {process, sort_by()} | {total, sort_by()}, device => io:device()}.
Ad-hoc profiler options; see profile/4
-type profile_result() :: {trace_type(), TotalMeasurement :: non_neg_integer(), [profile_line()]}.
Profile of a single process, or combined profile of multiple processes, sorted by a selected column.
-type rootset() :: [process()] | all | existing | new.
-type server() :: pid() | tprof.
A tprof server.
Each server uses a separate trace:session/0
in order to
keep profiling isolated.
-type start_options() :: #{type => trace_type(), session => atom()}.
-type trace_info() :: {module(), Fun :: atom(), Arity :: non_neg_integer(), [{pid(), Count :: pos_integer(), Measurement :: pos_integer()}]}.
Raw data extracted from tracing BIFs.
Traced functions (with their arities) grouped by module name,
or all
if all code is traced.
-type trace_options() :: #{set_on_spawn => boolean()}.
Options for enabling profiling of the selected processes; see enable_trace/2
-type trace_type() :: call_count | call_time | call_memory.
The type of profiling that the tprof server will do.
- call_count - Counts the number of calls made to functions. This
is a global profiling event that cannot be limited to specific processes.
See call_count in
for more details. - call_time - Counts the accumulated time spent in functions.
See call_time in
for more details. - call_memory - Counts the accumulated memory allocated in functions.
See call_memory in
for more details.
Disables tracing functions matching the supplied pattern.
1> tprof:set_pattern(lists, seq, '_').
2> tprof:clear_pattern(lists, seq, 3).
3> tprof:get_trace_map().
#{lists => [{seq,2}]}
Requires that the default tprof
server has been started
Equivalent to clear_pattern(Mod, Fun, Arity)
but uses the provided Server
-spec collect() -> {trace_type(), [trace_info()]}.
Returns statistics for current trace map.
-spec collect(server()) -> {trace_type(), [trace_info()]}.
Equivalent to collect/0
but uses the provided Server
-spec continue() -> ok | not_paused.
Resumes previously paused profiling.
-spec continue(server()) -> ok | not_paused.
Equivalent to continue/0
but uses the provided Server
-spec disable_trace(Spec) -> non_neg_integer() when Spec :: pid() | all | new | existing | {children | all_children, process()}; ([process()]) -> non_neg_integer() | {non_neg_integer(), [process()]}.
Equivalent to disable_trace(Spec, #{set_on_spawn => true})
-spec disable_trace(Spec, trace_options()) -> non_neg_integer() when Spec :: pid() | all | new | existing | {children | all_children, process()}; ([process()], trace_options()) -> non_neg_integer() | {non_neg_integer(), [process()]}.
Stops accumulating traces for specified processes.
See enable_trace/2
for a description of the options.
The profile data accumulated before the process is removed from the traced list is retained. This makes it possible to enable tracing for many or all processes in the system, sleep for a short period of time, then disable tracing for all processes (to avoid system overload), but keeping profile data.
-spec disable_trace(server(), Spec, trace_options()) -> non_neg_integer() when Spec :: pid() | all | new | existing | {children | all_children, process()}; (server(), [process()], trace_options()) -> non_neg_integer() | {non_neg_integer(), [process()]}.
-spec enable_trace(Spec) -> non_neg_integer() when Spec :: pid() | all | new | existing | {children | all_children, process()}; ([process()]) -> non_neg_integer() | {non_neg_integer(), [process()]}.
Equivalent to enable_trace(Spec, #{set_on_spawn => true})
-spec enable_trace(Spec, trace_options()) -> Traced :: non_neg_integer() when Spec :: pid() | all | new | existing; (Spec, trace_options()) -> Traced :: non_neg_integer() | {Traced :: non_neg_integer(), Failed :: [process()]} when Spec :: [process()] | {children | all_children, process()}.
Similar to trace:process/4
, but supports a few more options for tracing
Tracing per process is not supported by call_count
is either a process identifier (pid) for a local process, one of the
following atoms, or a list of local process identifiers or their registered
- All currently existing processes and all that will be created in the future.existing
- All currently existing
- All processes that will be created in the future.children
- All currently running processes that were directly spawned by the specified process. This mode is helpful for tracing workers of a single supervisor.all_children
- All currently running processes that were spawned by the specified process, or any recursive descendant of it. This mode is designed to facilitate tracing of supervision trees.
Returns the number of processes for which tracing was enabled.
When a list of pids, children
or all_children
is used, the processes that
tracing failed to be enabled on will also be returned. Tracing can fail to be
enabled if the process has terminated before tracing could be enabled.
The profiling server does not keep track of processes that were added to the
tracing set. It is permitted to stop the profiling server (wiping out any
accumulated data), restart the server, set entirely different tracing pattern
keeping the list of traced processes for future use. Use
to clear the list of traced
Specify Options
to modify tracing behavior:
- Automatically start tracing for processes spawned by the traced process. On by default.
-spec enable_trace(server(), Spec, trace_options()) -> non_neg_integer() when Spec :: pid() | all | new | existing | {children | all_children, process()}; (server(), [process()], trace_options()) -> non_neg_integer() | {non_neg_integer(), [process()]}.
Equivalent to enable_trace/2
but uses the provided Server
-spec format(profile_result() | #{pid() | all => profile_result()}) -> ok.
Formats profile data transformed with inspect/3
, outputting to
the default output device.
-spec format(io:device(), profile_result() | #{pid() | all => profile_result()}) -> ok.
Formats profile transformed with inspect/3
outputting to device IoDevice
-spec get_trace_map() -> trace_map().
Returns a map of module names to functions with their arities.
Equivalent to get_trace_map/0
but uses the provided Server
-spec inspect({trace_type(), [trace_info()]}) -> #{all => profile_result()}.
Equivalent to inspect(Profile, process, percent)
Transforms raw profile into a map of process identifiers to a tuple containing total count of words allocated, and a list of all traced functions sorted in the ascending order by the allocation percentage.
-spec inspect(Profile :: {trace_type(), [trace_info()]}, Type :: process | total, SortBy :: sort_by()) -> #{pid() | all => profile_result()}.
Transforms raw data returned by tracing BIFs into a form convenient for subsequent analysis and formatting.
When the
argument isprocess
, this function returns a map of process identifiers with corresponding profiling results sorted by the selected column.When
argument istotal
or when profiling bycall_count
, this function returns a map with a singleall
key with profiling results from all processes.
The inspected profile data can be leveraged to print profiling results.
-spec pause() -> ok | not_running.
Pauses trace collection for all currently traced functions, retaining existing traces.
Use continue/0
to resume trace collection.
-spec pause(server()) -> ok | not_running.
Equivalent to pause/0
but uses the provided Server
-spec profile(fun(() -> term())) -> ok | {term(), [trace_info()]}.
Equivalent to profile(Fun, #{})
-spec profile(fun(() -> term()), profile_options()) -> ok | {term(), {trace_type(), [trace_info()]}}.
Does ad-hoc profiling of the call Fun()
By default, the result is formatted to the output device; use the report
option to change this behavior.
Ad-hoc profiling starts a new instance of tprof
server, runs the
profiling routine, extracts results, and shuts down the server.
See profile/4
for a list of the supported options.
-spec profile(module(), Fun :: atom(), Args :: [term()]) -> ok | {term(), {trace_type(), [trace_info()]}}.
Equivalent to profile(Module, Function, Args, #{})
-spec profile(module(), Fun :: atom(), Args :: [term()], profile_options()) -> ok | {term(), {trace_type(), [trace_info()]}}.
Does ad-hoc profiling for the call apply(Module, Function, Args)
By default, the result is formatted to the output device; use option report
to change this behavior.
Ad-hoc profiling starts a new instance of tprof
server, runs the
profiling routine, extracts results, and shuts down the server.
The ad-hoc profiler supports the following Options
- The type of profiling to perform.device
- Specifies I/O devices to print the profile to. Useful to redirect text output to console orstandard_error
- Specifies a trace pattern, or a list of trace patterns to enable. By default, all functions ({'_', '_', '_'}
) are
- Controls output format. The default isprocess
; printing per-process profiling data sorted by percentage of the total allocation. Specifyreport => return
to suppress printing and get the raw data for further evaluation withinspect/3
and formatting withformat/2
- Includes extra processes in the trace list. Useful for profiling allocations forgen_server
, calls, or other allocations caused by inter-process communications. See this example.set_on_spawn
- Automatically start tracing for processes spawned by the traced process. Enabled by default.timeout
- Terminate profiling after the specified amount of time (milliseconds).
-spec restart() -> ok.
Clears accumulated profiles and starts profiling if it was paused.
-spec restart(server()) -> ok.
Equivalent to restart/0
but uses the provided Server
-spec set_pattern(module(), atom(), arity() | '_') -> ok | {error, {trace_pattern, trace_pattern()}}.
Enables tracing for all functions matching the supplied pattern.
Patterns are additive, following the same rules as trace:function/4
Returns the number of functions matching the supplied pattern.
1> tprof:set_pattern(lists, seq, '_').
2> tprof:set_pattern(lists, keyfind, 3).
3> tprof:get_trace_map().
#{lists => [{keyfind,3},{seq,2},{seq,3}]}
If no functions match the pattern, an error
tuple is returned:
> tprof:set_pattern(no_module, func, '_').
Requires that the default tprof
server has been started
-spec set_pattern(server(), module(), atom(), arity() | '_') -> ok | {error, {trace_pattern, trace_pattern()}}.
Equivalent to set_pattern/3
but uses the provided Server
-spec start() -> {ok, Server} | {error, Reason} when Server :: server(), Reason :: {already_started, pid()}.
Equivalent to start(#{})
-spec start(Config :: start_options()) -> {ok, Server} | {error, Reason} when Server :: server(), Reason :: {already_started, pid()}.
Starts the server, not supervised.
Profiling server stores current trace patterns and owns the trace session used for profiling.
If no session
is provided in Config
, then a default session called tprof
used and the profiling server is registered as tprof
If session
is provided in Config
, then a session with that name is created
and all profiling is done within that session. The profiling server is not registered
in this case. When using tprof
like this the pid/0
returned from this
function needs to be provided to the functions in this module.
-spec start_link() -> {ok, Server} | {error, Reason} when Server :: server(), Reason :: {already_started, pid()}.
Equivalent to start_link(#{})
-spec start_link(Config :: start_options()) -> {ok, Server} | {error, Reason} when Server :: server(), Reason :: {already_started, pid()}.
Equivalent to start/1
but also links the profiling server to the caller.
-spec stop() -> ok.
Stops the default tprof
server and disable tracing enabled by the server.
-spec stop(server()) -> ok.
Equivalent to stop/0
but uses the provided Server